Nytt från SRHA

Spring Break SRHA’s tävling har propp, och showbill redan kommit ut och även dessa ligger under samma flik “information” på srha.nu Spring Break är även i år på Axvalla Travbana (Skara).

Nytt för Spring Break är

Entry Level Program
Come Play with NRHA! The National Reining Horse Association recently approved a revolutionary entry level program to welcome riders of all backgrounds to the Reining arena. The entry level format began in 2010 and provides afun, educational and family-oriented ladder of competition with an inexpensive $20 Associate membership. Each rung of the ladder welcomes beginning reiners to compete with others of the same skill level while gaining more experience. In addition, an awards program recognizes riders for their achievements.

The new program offers an inexpensive membership fee accompanied by a sampling of NRHA member benefits. The membership gives riders the ability to participate in this program, earn points toward a host of awards and experience NRHA activities. An even more appealing facet to this program is that some levels do not require ownership or an NRHA competition license. Overall, the program makes it easier to show, easier to compete at an enjoyable level and easier to develop Reining skills. Look at the following and find out more about these great entry level opportunities. We’re sure there’s a level perfect for you!

2014 kommer SRHA anordna Rookie Day (vi siktar på början av juli och en mycket välkänd amerikansk tränare och Futurity vinnare).
se info NRHA här.
Dagen kommer förläggas i Stockholms trakten.

Text: SRHA
Foto: Anne Svensson

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